EEL Transport and FCC’s New Direction

On February 5th, 2020, the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) wrapped up its open comment period for WC Docket No. 19-308. This docket is part of a broader initiative to revisit the 1996 Telecom Act, specifically targeting unbundling and resale regulations that impact incumbent local exchange carriers (ILECs). The FCC’s proposed changes are significant, suggesting that ILECs should no longer be mandated to unbundle services such as DS-0, DS-1, DS-3, and provide voice-grade loops and dark fiber transport.

The Competitive Landscape and Unbundling

For decades, the telecom industry has thrived on competition, largely thanks to the 1996 Telecom Act. This legislation allowed smaller companies to access existing infrastructure for resale, fostering a market rich with voice and data solutions. However, some ILECs argue that these unbundling regulations have outlived their usefulness, stifling network growth and innovation. As the industry evolves, the question of whether these regulations continue to serve their intended purpose has become increasingly pertinent.

A New Era for ILECs

With the FCC’s relaxation of regulations, ILECs will no longer be bound to provide access to their, in many cases, outdated infrastructure. This shift is poised to significantly impact carriers, especially those reliant on these networks to deliver services. The proposed three-year transition period is intended to facilitate a smooth shift. However, concerns are mounting, particularly regarding service delivery in rural areas where alternative networks are scarce.

123NET’s Proactive Approach

As the telecom landscape undergoes this transformation, legacy networks are gradually being phased out. Customers, particularly in the transition phase, might find themselves in a quandary over securing reliable voice and data services. Addressing this head-on, 123NET is gearing up to prioritize the construction of high-speed fiber-optic networks across Michigan. This move is not just about staying ahead in the game; it’s about ensuring that as the old gives way to the new, communities and businesses remain connected with top-notch, future-ready infrastructure.

Legacy T1 Service and New 123NET Solution

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